Book your FREE EYE-OPENING consultation today and Receive up to $2000 OFF


When booking a free eye opening no obligation consultation, you are anticipating to have your procedure performed within the next 1-2 weeks.

So please bring with you anyone that will help you with your decision making.

We will run numerous tests to ensure that you benefit from our procedure and that our clinic is the right fit for you. We will check for various ocular diseases, to ensure that your eyes are healthy for this procedure.

After completing these tests, we will book your surgery date and arrange for payment for the procedure.

After completing the tests, and procedure booked, you will meet with the surgeon who will review your test results, as well as perform more exams. At this time you can ask the surgeon as many questions as you may have about the procedure and what to expect.

After meeting with the surgeon, we will order your medications for surgery and give pre-op instructions.

Office: 2235 Kennedy Rd

Scarborough On


Call 416-412-4441


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